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The great debate… Pets or no pets.

June 6, 2016 in

Permitting pets seems to be one of the biggest concerns with investment owners, but did you know, by not considering pets in your rental property, you could be shutting off your perspective tenant market by over 60%!

Research shows that 5 million out of the 7.6 million households in Australia have pets. One third of these are renters!

On average, pet owners have proven to sign longer leases and be more responsible in the upkeep of the property.

With such a shortage of rental accommodation that allows pets, being pet friendly can provide you with a great point of difference.

dV Property Group have pet clauses in our tenancy agreements which ensure your property is covered for any mishaps which may happen while allowing pets.
For more information on whether to lease your property with pets or no pets, give us a call!